Sod must be laid as soon as it is delivered, however if this cannot be done, removing the rolls from the pallet and separating them in a cool shaded area is ideal. DO NOT water the sod rolled-up, as this will cause immense heat within, and will burn the sod.
Please plan to lay your sod the same day it is delivered!
How do I properly maintain sod?
Watering – Water your new grass as you lay, not just when you’re finished!
- To check your water level, pull back the corner of the sod piece. The underlying soil should be very moist. If not, keep watering. A good rule of thumb is an hour of watering per pallet.
- Make sure water is getting to all areas of your lawn. This can be done best by using a sprinkler and rotating.
- Edges along asphalt and concrete, corners, areas near buildings, as well as places on top of embankments and mounds often dry out fastest.
- At first, water daily, keeping sod moist until it is firmly rooted (about 7-10 days). Later, depending on weather conditions, water less frequently but enough so that water will penetrate deeper into the root zone.
- Water in the morning & evening to avoid evaporation due to sun and wind. Twice per day is recommended for the first few days. After a week or so, water daily, after 2 weeks water less frequently, and after 3 weeks water as needed.
- It’s almost impossible to over-water in the first 3-4 days, and these are the most important days of a successful transplant.
Watering is the key to successful sodding – if not done properly, the grass will dry out and die. Our sod is irrigated on the farm daily, so to keep it lush & green, it’s important you do your part in watering the sod well!
Should any pieces or areas turn yellow, it is likely due to traffic, pets or lack of watering. Keep watering, as sod is forgving and should come back green as the rest. If after 30 days it has not come back, give us a call and we can try and help out. Most non-warranty issues are due to a lack of watering, and is easy for us to determine.
Roll or pack over the entire area to improve sod/soil contact and remove air pockets.
How do I fertilize my freshly laid sod or established sod?
FERTILIZING — Fertilizers usually contain the following:
- Nitrogen (for lush green leaf growth)
- Phosphorus (for root growth)
- Potassium–Potash (increases resistance to disease and drought)
Freshly Laid Sod: It is recommended that you choose a fertilizer higher in phosphorus, such as 10-20-10 to promote root growth and establish sod quicker.
Established Sod: We recommend that you fertilize your established sod 3 times per year:
- spring (Apr/May): Use a fertilizer higher in nitrogen for a quick green-up.
- summer (Jun/Jul): A balanced blend of all fertilizer requirements will result in a lush, thick, dark green and healthy turf.
- fall (Aug/Sep): A winterizer fertilizer higher in phosphorus will promote a stronger root development to meet our harsh winters.
Apply fertilizer carefully on a dry lawn and water heavily following application. This prevents the grass from burning and washes fertilizer to the roots, where it is best absorbed for use by the plant.
WARNING — Always consult a professional and follow directions accurately for proper application of fertilizer!
How do I properly mow sod?
It is suggested that you wait at least 10-14 days, or until the grass has started to root before you mow your new lawn. After one week, try lifting one of the pieces of sod. If it comes up easily, it is too early to cut. Mowing before rooting will cause pieces to lift up, so it is recommended you ensure each piece is rooted prior to the first mowing. If you try and lift up and there is resistance, it is rooted, if it freely lifts up, it is not rooted.
After your sod has rooted, the ideal cutting height is between 2-3 inches.
It is recommended that you mow often, generally removing no more than 1/3 of the grass height. Keep your mower blade sharp for a nice, clean cut.
The second most common issue besides lack of watering, is not mowing when needed, especially the first mow. This helps with continual growth, as well as prevention of disease.
For questions regarding installing & preparation of the site, please visit our FAQ
How To Lay Sod (1)